Puerto Iguazú: the city reported record numbers of visitors after the May 2023 holiday

Puerto Iguazú the city reported record numbers of visitors after the May 2023 holiday

During the last weekend, in which a new anniversary of the May Revolution took place, the city of Puerto Iguazú had a large number of tourists.

In this sense, Leopoldo Lucas, president of Iguazú Turismo Ente Municipal (Iturem) expressed: “We have closed the Iguazú National Park with more than 24,000 visitors during the four days”.

The large number of tourists was not limited to visiting the Iguazú National Park. In addition to marveling at the natural spectacle of the Devil’s Throat, travelers toured the city, filling the gastronomic establishments, visiting the Three Borders Landmark and investigating all the attractions that Puerto Iguazú has to offer, according to the Iturem spokesman.

The Ministry of Tourism of the Province of Misiones also provided more data on the number of people who chose Puerto Iguazú as a destination. According to the government agency there were around 17,000 arrivals to the city and an average of 3.4 nights of stay was recorded, which are reflected with the percentage of hotel occupancy on the holiday, which reached 95% of its capacity, a figure similar to the Easter weekend.

Source: MisionesOnline, Agencia de Noticias Guacurarí, Revista Códigos